Lice Removal? How did you get into this Business?

The single most asked question is “How did you get into this business?”
Our family was struggling with a lice infestation with our daughter for six months. This was the second time in three years. Long story…short, I was frustrated, emotionally exhausted and very overwhelmed by the whole experience. Spending endless hours researching a way to get rid of the problem, we were able to finally move past this issue. Whew! What a ride! During that period of time, along came a business idea that was smart and innovative. But to be honest, it has been extremely difficult to pull off.
Head Hunters L.R.S. started out with one man (Tommy) driving from home to home removing infestation after infestation, building the foundation to an amazing thriving company. When he needed extra help, I (Heather) joined my husband to open the first head lice removal salon in Georgia. We set out to educate and help families, schools and camps with their own personal head lice crisis. With the experience and knowledge of the products we were using, along with how the head lice were responding to them, we decided there had to be better products out there. Through research, testing and customer feedback, we were onto our next adventure: products. With our first bottle on the shelf and greatly appreciated positive feedback, Head Hunters Naturals was born. How exciting!
Moving to a larger facility to accommodate our rapid growth, adding new “Head Hunters” to the already expanding business and with a constant flow of new ideas; this business has been as rewarding as it has been challenging. Our hope is to continue to grow and expand to further help families in their quest to remove the head lice that invades their heads and their lives.